Just in from NAMM. Great Show, great
to be with Warr Guitars for their
triumphant return to NAMM. Hundreds
came by the booth, dozens tried out the
instruments. It was Great to see
veterans of other touchstyle instruments making
great music on the Warr at first touch.
I did some demonstrating, but the monster
player we showcased the most was
Randy Strom, who is such a tremendous
player. Jim Wright is also on the top
shelf, he demonstrated the Phalanx and
its alternate approach.
Also great to see performances by Trey
Gunn, and sponsoerd by other
companies: Will Lee, Matt Garrison,
CGT, and Earth Wind and Fire(!).
Then also on Warr Guitar there is Brian
Kenney Fresno - I can't desribe it,
you have to see it for yourself.
Fresno in full Cry at the Knitting Factory
Jim Wright and his Phalanx
Me, with a Trey Gunn Series made of burl
maple (see, they aren't all Padauk!)
Randy Strom with a beautiful padauk WARR
Artisan Model Hollowbody
Jim with another Phalanx, this particular
one belonging to our friend Greg from the SWR booth
Touchstyle Networking: Scott Stenton stops
by the booth to show us the new Double Guitar he had made by Klein Acoustic.
Kuno films while Fresno watches.
At the MOTU Booth Matthew Davidson uses
his Warr Artist 8 to show off the ease of recording with the new 896 interface
and Digital Performer 3.2.
A Jordan Electric 7 string Violin made
by John Jordan, the official violin maker of Three Hour Detour
CGT gives an impromptu concert in the
basement. They were brilliant as always!